GMDSS radio surveys & VDR APTs

Our company is authorized by the main classification societies to carry out annual surveys of GMDSS radio equipment and AIS.

We are also certified by many manufacturers as a service company for annual testing the performance of VDR:

  • Danelec Marine
  • Netwave Systems
  • Qingdao Headway Technology Co.
  • Furuno
  • JRC
  • Sealantern Electronics
  • NSR Marine
  • Rutter
GMDSS radio surveys & VDR APTs

Benefits of working with us

Квалифицированный персонал Flexible staff

All engineers involved in service performance are trained and able to do not only GMDSS radio survey, VDR APT, but also gyro overhauls and other services for Radio/Nav/Satcom/IT equipment onboard during the visit.

Доступный ЗИП Spare parts availability

Most of the spare parts for Radio/Nav/Satcom equipment are available in stock and could be handled by an engineer.

Выгодные тарифы Favorable rates

Reasonable service rates

Shore based maintenance agreement

After the equipment has been surveyed, we recommend to conclude GMDSS shore based maintenance agreement with us, which is necessary to ensure that the installed GMDSS equipment complies with the requirements of the SOLAS Convention 1974 (amendment 1988), chapter IV, regulation 15 and Resolution A702 [17] III.

As part of this Agreement we provide shipowner the following support:

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